Thursday, March 8, 2012

Seth Godin & Ariel Hyatt Discuss The Music Industry, Part 1

Legendary Seth Godin, author of best-selling books like Tribes, Permission Marketing and Linchpin, joins Ariel Hyatt for a discussion on the state of the music industry and how to approach a career in the New Music Industry.

The paradigm has shifted from that of selling music to selling the "experience" of music. Many of the most successful up-and-coming acts are realizing that the vast percentage of their livelihood will be derived from live shows rather then retail sales.

It becomes increasingly clear that the goal or every musician going forward should now be to lead a group of fans (tribe) who want to be taken somewhere and who want to hang out with other fans. Social media is, in effect, expanding outward.

The model of The Grateful Dead and Phish can be held up as prime examples of how bands can develop a dedicated fan base which will follow them to the ends of the earth just to participate in the "experience." In the Christian world, the spirit of this model is exemplified through artists like Hillsong. From personal experience, I can say that their live performances are something beyond mere performance and create an opportunity for the attendee to experience God on a whole different plane. For that very reason, fans of the group will drive hours to attend a concert or conference.

Or view the interview HERE!

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